Number two!

Does this have anything to do with the fact that I had just bought my mom three copies? In any case, I’m back down to something like seventeen in the Canadian Short Stories category.

So, if you’re interested in getting a copy, how do you do it?

  1. Kobo: epub;
  2. Amazon: kindle;
  3. Amazon: paperback print-on-demand;
  4. Local area peeps: I have a bunch of paper copies coming by the end of the month. You can buy them off me if you are local once they come in. I will let everyone know when they are here.
  5. As someone who has spent the last ten years un- or under-employed, if you would like a copy but it just isn’t in your finances right now, just send me a line and I will send you an epub or a PDF if you’d like. If you are local, I can lend you a paper copy when they come in. I understand how frustrating it is in this stage of late-capitalism to even try to survive, let alone buy any non-necessities.

And, if reading or short stories aren’t your thing, just send me a smile and be on your way 🙂