shameless self promotion

Wolf Children found a home!

Wolf Children at Kaleidotrope.

I wrote Wolf Children in what felt like a fever haze in the summer of 2015, but if a haze lasted weeks rather than hours, by taking a set of stories that I thought were unrelated, but then realizing they weren’t.

So it is a weird story, like a dream. But I am a weird person, like a dream’s character. Everything about Wolf Children is its own closed fictional ecosystem. I don’t really feel like living in reality anymore, but I wouldn’t live in Wolf Children for anything, but it’s strangely prescient considering how long ago I wrote it and how relevant it is to the BIG BAD THING I can’t discuss about my job. The world, any world, even the ones I make up, aren’t made for women, especially weird ones. Eldritch ones I suppose. Like Enid too. Just weird women who don’t fit in and feel it every second. This past year, this line from The Little Mermaid:

every step you take will be as if you were treading upon sharp knives, so sharp as to draw blood

I know this line. I live it now.

Photo source — interestingly the file name says it is a female wolf, which, if you’ve read Wolf Children, is fitting.

The Summer the School Burned Down Amigurumi Mascot #7

I’ll put one of the amigurumi’s I’m least happy with with one of the stories I’m most happy with. And why does this story get a syringe? Well — come to my reading on Sunday and find out! The Happiest Place on Earth is one of the stories I’m going to read!

Event info: 7-8.30 this Sunday at the Sackville Commons.

Special Guest: Fellow author Eric Sparling

Door prizes! Books for sale! You can ask me questions not even about anything related to writing. Bring your Calculus homework (I’m great at Calculus).

More info here.

The Summer The School Burned Down Amigurumi Mascot #1

So what’s something I like as much as writing stories? Making cute things!

Fifteen stories in The Summer The School Burned Down = Fifteen amigurumi mascots.

Will this take me a bunch of time to do because I only came up with this idea last week? Yes.

Will these amigurumi-short-story-mascots posts be irregular since some things will take me longer to make. Absolutely.

Are my stories kawaii and adorable? Well, not really. But amigurumi people! AMIGURUMI.

And so, Mascot #1 for the first story in the collection: Breathe.




Number two!

Does this have anything to do with the fact that I had just bought my mom three copies? In any case, I’m back down to something like seventeen in the Canadian Short Stories category.

So, if you’re interested in getting a copy, how do you do it?

  1. Kobo: epub;
  2. Amazon: kindle;
  3. Amazon: paperback print-on-demand;
  4. Local area peeps: I have a bunch of paper copies coming by the end of the month. You can buy them off me if you are local once they come in. I will let everyone know when they are here.
  5. As someone who has spent the last ten years un- or under-employed, if you would like a copy but it just isn’t in your finances right now, just send me a line and I will send you an epub or a PDF if you’d like. If you are local, I can lend you a paper copy when they come in. I understand how frustrating it is in this stage of late-capitalism to even try to survive, let alone buy any non-necessities.

And, if reading or short stories aren’t your thing, just send me a smile and be on your way 🙂