What song is stuck in my head

I take tribal fusion belly dance at a studio in town. I am about one googolth as good as this – although she is doing mayas at the very beginning and we were reviewing those in class last time, so I can actually do one tiny bit of this dance, slowed down a lot, without looking nearly as smooth (so basically, not at all).

It’s really more the dance than the song that’s stuck in my head.


  1. Lydia

    I am impressed that your wee little town has a belly dance class! I’ve seen a recital from a class some of my friends are in, and it’s certainly the kind of dance that gets stuck in your head (and I’m sure is waaaaaayyy harder than the professionals make it look!)

    1. Post
      meghan rose

      It is pretty hard. Geoff keeps asking me what I’m doing when I do my weird practice moves (like lying on the floor and trying to suck in only parts of my stomach).

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