Review of Difficult Women by Roxane Gay

(I continue with books I got from Netgalley, never read, and then later took out from the library to review.)

The stories here are hard and sad and difficult, like the women, who, of course, are difficult because we blame women for their faults, for the faults of others inflicted against them, for the faults of the world that weigh down on their, and only their, shoulders. It is not a book for those who need comfort. It is not a beach read, or a cozy Christmas time blanket curled up read (when I read it) either. I read it and felt sad and powerless and lay under my blanket and hurt.

Difficult Women by Roxane Gay went on sale January 3, 2017.

I received a copy free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, although I read a copy from the library not the netgalley one.