October 2015

I read:


The Categorical Universe of Candice Phee by Barry Jonsberg: Reviewed here.

If I Fall, I Die by Michael Christie: A testosterone-fueled punch-up with a ridiculous plot (which likely means a bunch of it actually happened; doesn’t mean that the verity of the situation comes across). Fails the Bechdel test in every way possible with super-unsympathetic portrayals of every women within the pages. Possibly should have been toned down and edited to a YA. If you have a skateboarder in your life, this might be the book for them.

Make Something Up by Chuck Palahaniuk: Reviewed here.

Three Bags Full by Leonie Swann: Remember earlier this month when I was talking about a mystery solved by sheep. It was this book. Again, points go out to my commenter Lydia as it made me think of her.

Why Not Me by Mindy Kaling: Do you think Mindy Kaling and Amy Poehler are going to surprise me at my house to tell me we’re going to be friends? No? Why not me? Sad face.

The Turnip Princess by Franz Xaver von Schonwerth: Reviewed here.

The Night Gardener by Jonathan Auxier: I didn’t love it the way I thought I would.

Saltwater Cowboys by Dayle Furlong: Reviewed here.

The Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow by Katy Towell: Did not like at all.

Slade House by David Mitchell: Reviewed here.

This Is Happy by Camilla Gibb: I’m surprised I read this since I have a complicated relationship with Camilla Gibb (don’t worry, she has like no real relationship with me other than my failure at being mentored in a correspondence writing course). But I put aside personal feelings to read a book by someone who lived in the UK as a child, with a PhD, who worked in Ethiopia, who has a daughter, and who struggles with the chemicals in her brain. See how all those things are basically me as well. Thus, I read a book by a more successful me about being sad. Sad like me but also different. I wish I had a nanny.

Favourite book:

I still love this book as much as I did when I was a kid.

Most promising book put on wishlist:

I watched:

I wrote

Faerie story rewrites and reworks, Magda builds a tower, rewrites and proofreading of a story about yelling at people idling their cars, worked on my story collection (basically removing stories), proofread 1/4 of Wolf Children (yeah yeah yeah).

And my Dellarae story from the summer should be in an upcoming issue of Rusty Toque.

I feel like writing lumple bumps here, which is just some nonsense words Tesfa and I sometimes say to each other. It’s my blog, so I will. Besides, who reads all the way to the end anyway 😉