meghan tries different mechanical pencils instead of doing work

A three part series.

Other than this irregular blog, I write stuff longhand first, in notebooks that I fill up and then throw out. It’s a good thing I’ll never be famous because there are no “papers” that any sort of archive is ever going to be able to collect because I don’t keep any. Right now, I have a notebook from Chapters (like this one, but with cats on the front and it says The Time is Meow, and I actually have two because I knew when I bought the first one that Tesfa would want one too, but now she’s lost interest, so I have two of these notebooks.)

I also write in pencil because I’m left-handed and I hold the pen weird and it does not matter what type of pen you recommend for me, it will smear everywhere. So does the pencil lead, but that bothers me less than ink.

Also I had a mechanical pencil, and then I broke it so that the very end where the lead comes out is bent, so it breaks the lead as the lead gets pushed through, so I can write about two words before having to click it and then write two more words, etc. So that’s why I’ve been so slow with writing new things since December … sure … that’s it.

So, pencil number one. I would take a picture but I don’t have anything to take a picture with down here in my basement. It’s a pencil from Japan, which I know since the only English words on the entire package are Made in Japan, and also OHTO which may be the brand. I forget. I ordered three pencils off a foreign website and it took forever to get here due to mail, so I don’t really know. Oh! I found more English: Silver, which is the colour and I could tell already. Everything else is in Japanese. Even, maybe OHTO could be Russian, since H is a Russian letter (sounds like N), and the rest are the same in Cyrillic vs Latin. Unlike one of my other purchases from Japan (an iced coffee maker), there is no spot the difference game, wherein there were two identical pictures except one had a big X through it and neither Geoff nor I could ever figure out what we weren’t supposed to be doing with the iced coffee maker, or what was the difference between the picture with the X and the picture without.

But new pencil number one to try! I will write down the weird thoughts I had while trying to go to sleep last night and let you know how it went later.