contest update

On Friday I told you that I was in contention for a writing contest. Well…..

I did not win.

But I am a runner-up and my story will be published as such, so it is almost as good as winning, except for the not-winning part and the prize of books and money that I am not receiving. But runner-up – still yay! Four years ago when I switched from math to writing, I never thought I’d even ever be good enough to publish, and here I am almost winning a contest. Bonus – the story that will be published is an odd length (approx ten thousand words) that is hard to find homes for and my story found a home, so lots of little bits of happiness around.

So, stay further tuned. I will update further with links when published, but the basic info is as such: my story Darién Gap will be in the upcoming issue of The Puritan! <--exclamation mark mine, not part of the journal title.


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