fiction writing

third story of November published: Darien Gap at the Puritan XXIII

Ed. note: the e above is missing its accent in the title and I am looking at wordpress info on how to fix it.

My almost award winning story, Darién Gap is now online at The Puritan XXIII. This is the longest piece I’ve published (around ten thousand words) but it’s also one of Geoff’s favourites, so you’ll be reading a story with the Geoff stamp of approval (which would probably look like a lot of dots and arrows going around in some odd arrangement (this is a category theory joke)) and we all know the only reason you’re coming here to check out what stuff gets the Geoff stamp of approval.

So please check out my story along with the rest of the issue.

And this concludes all the pieces being published that have been accepted. I have no new publications scheduled, which can only mean one thing: time to write and submit some more short stories!

being positive

Make a list of all the nice things that people have said about your writing, Geoff said, tired of listening to me complain about feeling unloved. Nice things by people who didn’t have to say nice things, like strangers.

So, in the past few weeks, I’ve gotten:

“I loved it!” via twitter from Reading In Bed.

“Brutal, crushing story” via twitter from Kim Fu.

“Our Editorial Board was really captivated by this original and emotionally stirring piece” via email from Prism Magazine.

“Love the comedic touches! Strong writing, characterization. Would love to see more writing from this author” via email from The Antigonish Review.

The last two, sadly, were part of rejection emails (no Prism or Antigonish Review publications for me yet). But those are better than the other rejection email I got about how they only publish pieces with “meaningful conflict” and my piece’s subtle-women-to-women-undermining (most girls are nodding and know what I’m talking about here) was either two subtle or read by men who, luckily, haven’t been privy to the cattiness that sometimes occurs between girlfriends. I’m giving it a 75% likely the first and 25% likely the second.

So positive rejections and unsolicited nice things, but the feeling-of-failure creep is still setting in. I have a story, the one that has “comedic touches” and “[s]trong writing, characterization”. I think, in terms of short stories, it’s my best one yet. I read a shitload of short stories before writing it (Alice Munroe, Rebecca Lee, Miranda July, Charles Yu, etc.), so I was in a read short-story mindset. I think it’s funny and touching and deserves a really good home. But I don’t know where to put it – I’m sure it could find a great home online, but it feels like a story you flip through the pages to read. Some of my stories seem like they belong on a screen. This one doesn’t.

So I wonder – should I submit it to the Fiddlehead contest? Maybe an online journal I really enjoy like Little Fiction (although they were the ones who thought I had inadequate conflict above) or Compose (although they also recently rejected me as well)? I could go big and try Room? Joyland (they never say no, they just don’t email you when you don’t get accepted, but there rejection turn-around time is a month so at least one isn’t waiting too long)? carte-blanche always rejects my stuff. filling Station too, and they always give the most ridiculous reasons for it.

This list I’m making has me realising I submit to a lot of places and know a lot about their rejection policies. But it’s also making me gigglge, so that’s not too bad.

Staying positive. I’ll submit it somewhere soon, and we’ll see.

am I going to use wattpad?

Am I going to use Wattpad?

Background: On the weekend, Geoff read an article in the Globe and Mail about Wattpad (an article I would link to right now except the Globe and Mail website is “experiencing an internal server error. Our engineers are working to resolve the problem as we speak” so I can’t) and was very Why don’t you try this out? You could get new readers! You could get better feedback! You could be even more awesome than you are now! Well, sort of that with less exclamation marks and reinforcing of my awesomeness. So I said I’d look at it, but I was on the iPad and I don’t like typing on that silly in-screen keyboard, but I did sign up and today I actually went to look at Wattpad and the answer as to whether I am going to use it or not: I don’t know.

The first thing I did was read through the Terms of Service because of the one thing I wanted to know the most: If I post something on Wattpad, who owns it? Me or the site? So the Terms of Service say For clarity, you retain all of your ownership rights in your User Submissions, which made me think okay, but then goes on to say that Wattpad can use, reproduce, distribute, display, and perform the User Submissions in connection with the Website and its affiliates. So I started to go hmmmm.

And now for short stories, almost everything I submit to now seems to have big flashing warnings saying (don’t worry, I’m not going to use a blink tag) Your submission must have never appeared on the internet before, so I’d be reluctant to put shorter things out there. But I could use Wattpad for longer stories. I could get some additional feedback for Come From Away and stop complaining to Geoff about my course: I am getting feedback that is helping my novella become a better novella, but I am finding it to be a very negative process due to only negative feedback with nothing positive. And I assume Wattpad is like an echo chamber – people will be like I loved it! because if they hated it, they probably quit part way through and couldn’t be bothered to comment. I love being loved.

I read a story on Wattpad. It was decent. Reading through the Terms of Service, I’m not 100% convinced I am supposed to link to Wattpad stories. But I will. The worst that can happen is they kick me out and I haven’t done anything other than make my avatar the picture we took in Costa Rica in June of a tree frog. I might make my background picture Debre Sina, Ethiopia, then it’ll match my twitter profile.

I am trying to find more stories to read. There are four separate categories for vampire, werewolf, fantasy, and paranormal. I can’t seem to find literary fiction. The closest category seems to be Other. Maybe Non-teen fiction?

I am going hmmmm again.

I recognize that, with the exception of short stories which I will continue to submit to journals, self-publishing is likely the route I will end up taking. I’m not sold on Wattpad yet. Margaret Atwood telling me yay on the about page doesn’t cut it.

Still, I need to get over my squeamishness regarding self and online and e-book publishing. But, at heart, I fear I am a book Luddite.

feeling blue

It is no surprise to any of you who have actually interacted with me in real life that I my natural mood tends to melancholy probably more than is healthy. The radius of good news around me is a few minutes while the radius of not-good news, including news that isn’t overwhelmingly positive, is months. For example, I’ll have three short stories coming out before Christmas in three separate journals: red kitty zine, The Rusty Toque, and The Puritan. This should be cause for at least an hour of feeling grand but instead, all I can focus on is how much Come From Away is dragging me down. I can’t even conceive that I should be at least thinking about thinking about this story any longer. Except I have to since it is the story I am working on for my Humber course.

I should have picked the unfinished story about the faeries instead for my course is what I think when I am laying in my bed at three in the morning trying to rework entire sections in my head so that my mentor doesn’t think I am a slobby writer.

I didn’t drive a car for eleven years because driving caused so much anxiety to me. Similarly, if I could, I would just forget Come From Away. I would convert it to an ePub and have a pay-what-you-want for it and there’d be a little link in the sidebar over there and maybe I’d make two or three dollars from my relatives feeling sorry for me. Instead, I am sitting here trying to think about whether I want to just quit. If we’re going to talk about things I am good at, I am very good at quitting. I quit academia. I quit government. Maybe I should quit longer story writing.

I like writing short stories. I feel I am better than average at it. I have a story idea about someone who gives out non-compliance tickets for time travelers and his name is Antrim Nec. Doesn’t that sound more intriguing than whatever Come From Away is devolving into?

Sometimes things are broken. I have a commitment to the end of this course, then I think Come From Away is going to be junked and I’ll try to frame it in my head that this is a learning experience and I am learning but really, it is cold out and I have to wear a winter jacket and really, I just don’t want to think about these rambling words any longer.

contest update

On Friday I told you that I was in contention for a writing contest. Well…..

I did not win.

But I am a runner-up and my story will be published as such, so it is almost as good as winning, except for the not-winning part and the prize of books and money that I am not receiving. But runner-up – still yay! Four years ago when I switched from math to writing, I never thought I’d even ever be good enough to publish, and here I am almost winning a contest. Bonus – the story that will be published is an odd length (approx ten thousand words) that is hard to find homes for and my story found a home, so lots of little bits of happiness around.

So, stay further tuned. I will update further with links when published, but the basic info is as such: my story Darién Gap will be in the upcoming issue of The Puritan! <--exclamation mark mine, not part of the journal title.

how much of the time can I please everyone?

New mentor’s advice contradicts old mentor’s advice. I do like new mentor’s advice better so I’m not really complaining per se but I’m wondering about that thing in Burroway probably that if someone is giving advice, you don’t have to follow the advice, but you have to admit that there is something in your story that isn’t working.

And there is a lot in my story that isn’t working but I knew that even before I started this course. That is actually why I started this course: to help make some of the problems go away by having impartial eyes upon it.

I also just wish that Come From Away would go away.

And I keep typing LaTeX markup rather than HTML in this post so clearly I need to be doing something else right now.

odds and ends

This and that has been happening. Tesfa had a five day weekend because her school has a lot of long weekends. She spent her days off back at Montessori and I had some more time to work, which I spent typing because typing is what I do. But, then, after typing, I don’t feel much like coming here to type, so things have happened that I haven’t much commented on and now I’ll do it in one, large, glurggy, list.

  1. Typed more of my faerie story. Changed the mechanics again, but this is why I am typing it up. I can’t remember all the mechanics I’ve used so far in my notebook and typing is supposed to be helping me weave together all the threads. Instead, I see plot holes that need fixing. Maybe I’ll fix them by magic again.
  2. My writing mentor for my course is incapacitated. So I got a new writing mentor. There is no onomatopoeia that really fits here – but picture me making the sound of grinding my teeth. Things happen. Only one month in. Not that much work lost. Still, me grinding my teeth.
  3. I learned about the word saudade, which is a good word for my time-travelling story about loops that I haven’t written or really thought about yet.
  4. Everyone’s first novel is a failure. So I keep telling myself about Come From Away. It’s okay. It’ll make my faerie story all the better
  5. I got a rejection (We were intrigued by your writing, but didn’t feel that this particular submission was a good fit for the next issue). Did my sulk. Then sent in another story to another journal (The Antigonish Review – they will publish something of mine someday!) Then (more onomatopoeia sound of happiness or joy or something) got an email about being a finalist in short story contest. I don’t know if I’m allowed to link to the contest or the journal before the results are announced, so I won’t, but check back in a few days because they’re supposed to give me the results soon and then you can find out if I won or if I am a finalist and either way, they are publishing a story of mine, so stay tuned.