library haul

pura vida

I went and came back from Costa Rica, my second trip there. I thought I would be sadder because the first time I went to Costa Rica was my happiest time. But I wasn’t. I was stressed sometimes, relaxed others, happy, angry, tired, calm, but not sad. But now I am back and have news to share about things that happened in and around when I was away.

I. Library Haul

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These were actually picked up before I went on holiday but I didn’t have time to post it here. The book on the right is the short story collection of Charles Yu, who wrote probably the only science fiction novel I truly love: How To Live Safely in A Science Fictional Universe, which is a book I buy for people and recommend to people and talk about constantly but I don’t think anyone else I know has read even though I am very strident about other people reading it.

The book on the left is for Tesfa. Maybe you figured that.

II. Publication

I got home from vacation to find a copy of the new Sterling Magazine,

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which is exciting because

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Can you see it? Right there about half-way down the page under the Fiction heading is my story! The magazine is super-awesome as well, so go out and buy yourself a copy.

III. Acceptance

Since I have now had my transcripts sent and paid my tuition and been officially accepted, I have gotten into Humber’s One Year Creative Writing by Correspondence Course. I am excited. People I have told are less excited and sort of look at me with the same expression they might if I told them that tomorrow I will be a penguin but that’s okay. I got into a writing program and will have something to do with myself for the next year at least.