April to July readings

Yes. I disappeared. I will attempt to come back.

I read:


  • See What I Have Done by Sarah Schmidt: This book almost did me in. I loathed it, with no reason in particular for me to loathe it, but loathe it I did.
  • Ghost Boys by Jewell Parker Rhodes: I’m not quite certain why I was sort of surprised this book revolves around ghost boys, since it’s there in the title, so now I’m pretty sure that when I read titles of books at the library before taking them out, the information does not penetrate my brain.
  • Many books by Kate Atkinson: Because I wanted to review everything that happened before the latest Jackson Brodie novel.
  • The Savage Detectives by Roberto Bolaño: Another book that almost did me in. I started this is March. I finished it in July. I think I have Stockholm Syndrome regarding it, because I found it useless when I started reading it, but then, after months, now I’m like it’s not bad. It’s sure no 2666 though.
  • Conviction by Denise Mina: This book was dumb, but like summer reading dumb, and it’s summer, so I guess that’s okay.

Favourite book:

Most promising book put in my TBR list:

The writing update:

I cleaned up three stories and sent them out. Now I’m cleaning up Wolf Children even though it’s going to take hours to fix, but hours spent with Wolf Children may be worth it. I have such a dumb, emotional attachment to that bizarre novella. Then I also have to clean up my trampoline story.

Also I have no story ideas. My starting of a story about time travelling and Trotsky in Amherst, NS died. So new ideas, come to me. I am ready for you.