all the books!

You know that monster, No Face from Spirited Away, who gets bigger and bigger and stuffs everything into his mouth? I feel sometimes like I am like that with books. I say to myself No more books right now meghan and then promptly go to the bookstore with Geoff and Tesfa and buy another book.

One of my sisters buys me books, yay! My mother-in-law buys me books too. Other people don’t facilitate my addiction. But, people can… see… I added my book wishlist up there. Actually, it isn’t so much a wishlist as a list of any book that I’ve probably encountered anywhere and thought Hey, maybe I should read that.

There are days when I think a wishlist of 1200 books is probably a bit excessive. What would happen if I simply deleted all of those books?.

But then I do nothing and the list gets longer and longer and longer and longer.

I need more time to read books.