Month: August 2021

After teaching

Here I am, back from teaching a full, rather than accelerated like I usually do, summer course. Ready to read. Ready to write. Ready to be published!

Also, ready to be filled with dread, writer’s block, imposter syndrome, and sweat. Actually, I guess I’m not filled with sweat as much as sweat is leaking out of me. Instead of sweat, I would like ideas to leak out of me. Usually, after teaching, I am overflowed with story ideas. But now, not even a drip or a drizzle or drop. I am storied out lately.

And so, do I force it? Just write whatever in the hopes that something sparks? Or do I wait for an idea? Or do I take some of my half formed ideas and squish them together?

I read a bunch of crime novels. Then I read pedagogy books. Then I read silly mystery novels. Then literature.

But now I don’t know what to write. Or how. Or even if.