Tomorrow I hope to have a picture post. But for today:
Why are none of my stories working out?
In the past few weeks, I’ve started two stories and they’ve just drifted away. I tried to work on my faerie story; again, drifting. I have plans to work on my faerie story again today but maybe not.
I’ve also had a string of rejections. Or a sting of rejections. The second sounds better. I’ve had a sting of rejections. I know something will find a home soon, and it doesn’t seem like rejections phase me when I get them, but I think they worm deep underneath and work to poison what little productivity I have.
I have beginnings, with no endings.
I have complicated stories I don’t know how to write.
I have uncomplicated stories I don’t want to write.
I have a story in PDF because in LaTeX I know how to reverse letters and I don’t know how to in Word, so I have to wait until some place allows me to submit PDF and not Word so I can use it.
Should I self-publish a small collection of short stories? Who would buy it? My family probably. Maybe I should just ask them each for ten dollars and save my time.
Why is my internet dial-up slow today?
Off to try and write.