not much

As in, what have I been up to.

I haven’t been sleeping well and with not sleeping well goes dreaming and my dreams are vivid and stick with me all day. Don’t worry, I am not going to go against my cardinal rule of not talking about dreams because they are boring, but rather than thinking of stories or fixing stories I have, I spend my time sitting and thinking about the vividness of my dreams where I am often alone and it is almost always the white sun that one gets closer to the equator. Not the yellow winter sun we have now. Would have now if it wasn’t snowing or icing or cloudy for days on end, enough that we now have a roof rake to rake the snow accumulating off our roof.

The stores are filled with Christmas shoppers. I have one present left to get and abandoned today’s plans to do so when the line of cars snaked out of the parking lot. Maybe before the new deluge scheduled for tomorrow, I will walk. I’d walk now but the sidewalks are only half-plowed. I’d send Geoff, but the present is for him.

Didn’t you already read that book? Geoff asks me.

Like eight years ago I reply.

Just checking. Don’t want to think I’m going crazy. Geoff wanders away.

I’ll go back to thinking about my dreams now.