Limited Time Sneak Peak at my Faerie Story

Link removed. Email me if you’d like to read the chapter.

Once upon a time I read an article that said writers should make sure to now and then put up exclusive content/previews on their website to reward their loyal readers. I have, I think, currently three loyal readers, so consider yourself rewarded with the first chapter of my middle grade novel How To See The Faeries. Here is a little blurby thing I wrote just now so you can see if you’d be interested in reading the first chapter:

Enid, age eleven, lives in a small New Brunswick town with her mother. Her life’s pretty standard: quarrels with her mother, run ins with her nemesis Amber Holden, teachers who don’t understand her brilliance, etc.

Oh, and the faeries. Those too.

Yeah, so it isn’t that great a blurb because I am sick of thinking about faeries.

Limited time only! Will be taken down in a week or so (realistically when I remember to do it).

Blah blah blah copyright info, not for sharing around without explicit written meghan permission, etc. Personal use only.


  1. Lydia

    Hooray! Thanks for the sneak peek, Meghan. I like this a lot, especially the bit where Enid talks to herself in a different font.

    Of course, the danger of something like this is now I *really* want to read the rest, and I’m not good at being patient for such things… 🙂

    1. Post
      meghan rose

      Your patience will be stretched to its limits. It is going to take me for-freaking-ever to get the rest of this story done.

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