in one of my less intelligent moments

I am trying to grow more potatoes from a potato. I’m at the point where my potato plant is in the pot, with dirt, and green leaves growing up above the dirt. Watering it yesterday, I decided to smell it (don’t know why – just did). It smelled like a potato and I was all excited to tell Geoff, but then, I realised, what else should a potato plant smell like? Chocolate? Things that grow potatoes likely smell like potatoes.

So then I just felt dumb.


  1. Lydia

    potatoes! hooray! As an inveterate smeller-of-tomato-plants, I totally understand the excitement, as well as the excitement of actually growing/creating something from the ground up. Glad to hear there’s a little bit of new life happening amongst all the cold and snow out there.

    1. Post
      meghan rose

      Geoff begrudgingly has agreed the potato plant smells like potatoes, but only to get me to be quiet.

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