do you even want me to read this book?

I got Love in the Time of Cholera out of the library (I know – I need to do another library haul photo soon). It’s the Knopf 1988 hard-cover publication (because my library has many older books) and I’m reading it and thinking “Did anyone at Knopf actually want me to read this book?” The book is slightly too large and too heavy to hold comfortably, there doesn’t seem to be any care taken with cover design, and worst of all, the font: it’s some sort of dingy font that looks typewritten and smudged with thin margins that is a pain in the ass to read. Did no one design books in the 1980s? Reading a poorly designed book is tedious, no matter how enthusiastic I am about the content.

Don’t even get me started on how poorly arranged some professionally published e-books are.