Between super-mom (see my twitter feed for all that nonsense), Tesfa acting out at home because of adjusting to school, and Come From Away criticisms from my course (most justified but I’m not getting a great vibe that it’s going to be a smooth relationship between my mentor and I), I am not feeling very charitable towards the world outside my computer room this week.
New WordPress theme. New kindergarten school. New courses. I spend a lot of time in tears.
In the past three days, I’ve seen the phrase drank the Kool-aid like six times.
I’m posting this on Thursday. ‘Nuff said.
I looked jut up in a thesaurus, and there was bilge, so I picked it as my Wednesday word for this week.
Contrary to an earlier Wednesday, it’s been very loud here this week.
Geoff: Are you sure the turkeys we keep seeing are owned by someone?
Me: I saw them in the yard of that house on Main Street, the red one that used to be for sale and then the For Sale sign went away and now it looks all falling apart and abandoned.
Geoff: I don’t think anyone lives in that house.
Me: Clearly the turkeys terrorizing Middle Sackville do.
Spent two and a half hours yesterday unclogging the washing machine’s hose. Got sprayed with all varieties of dirty water. Super pleasant.
Unsticking my last plot-hole with magic has only led me to another sticky plot-hole situation further down the line.
For example, I paid inside the gas station rather than at the pump like I normally do (but that was since the credit card reader at the pump was broken). I am trying to do new things, however small, to encourage Tesfa, who tried soccer for the first time last night and melted-down about the possibility before the fact. So we will try many new and (low) risky things over the next while in the hopes that Tesfa becomes more exciting than I am.