short stories

magda builds a tower

Draft one of my Magda Builds a Tower story has been typed!

So now, what do I have to do: go through Geoff’s Wolf Children comments, do a good, deep edit of faerie story, edit Magda builds a tower story too.

And I also a new story idea since I have none right now and I don’t have a story to tell myself as I go to sleep and so am not sleeping well.

no more excuses

The print-out of my Wolf Children story is 36 pages. Four groups of nine pages. Proofread. I did the first nine this morning. By the end of this week, this proofread-cycle should be done.

And then what? Anyone know of a publisher that wants a ten thousand word literary-fiction-fantasy-non-linear-novella?

And I need a short story idea for my collection. Then I need to write that short story.

Work ahoy!

I must have been dreaming about the 90s

because I woke up with this song half-way through in my head.

Wolf Children has been sitting in my drawer for a while now. Normally when I finish I story, I can hardly wait to launch into editing. But it sits in a drawer, like I’ve just woken up from a fever dream and can’t comprehend the vitalness that I finish this story. Maybe I was on drugs this summer.

Maybe I’m writerly fading away.

in the wee hours

Unable to sleep, I wrote a story in my head somewhere around two a.m. this morning. It has no conflict and no plot. I plan to give it to some people who are high. They will read my story and tell me that it’s Totally deep, man or maybe they’ll say dude, but in any case, they will give me some of their cheese fingers and that’ll be kind of all right.

what if

Me: Breakthrough! My Wolf Children story shouldn’t have wolves in it.

Geoff: You already said it didn’t have wolves in it.

Me: Yes. But now there won’t be wolves in it.

Geoff: But it’ll still be called Wolf Children?

Me:: Of course it’s still going to be called Wolf Children.

Geoff: (long sighhhhhhhh).