remember when I read books?

I am having a really hard time reading books. In the past week, I’ve read six pages of a book and disliked every minute of it.
Maybe it is the book? Maybe it is me? Probably it is me. I used to go to the library each week and bring home a stack of books. I’ve been to the library twice this year, took out one book each time, and didn’t finish start either.

Can I blame my dishwasher, which is still not working and I wait for the repair person? I would like to assign blame to something. Why not that?

dishwasher continuing saga

Perhaps I should switch to writing poetry in the style of epic poetry, but about modern day hassles.

Dishwasher repair rescheduled for next week. So I have a whole week of a’fussin and a’frettin’ about this. At least it is a broken dishwasher in summer (a nuisance) rather than a broken heat source in a Canadian winter (possible death).

If it would come in time, and not from Amazon, and not out of stock, I would get this for the front until it is repaired:

sad dishwasher

which would at least let me know that my dishwasher is as sad as me to have its E15 error and supposedly leaking even though I can’t find it leaking anywhere.

I don’t know how anyone functions

My house is generally filthy and covered in a layer of greasy dust. I have to type up some of my sour story, probably about three thousand words. I should work on fixing all the things that need to be fixed.

And instead, like always, I’m just sitting in one place and working on not having the rising panic inside me pass over the line into panic attack. At the start of COVID, I needs must‘d my way through, gave up my work space at a job, then at my house (that was for approx a year; I have my computer room back), made cloth masks at cost, wrote a short story collection (still looking for a publisher!), volunteered at a program for tweens for a year with no support from the volunteer higher ups (I found the space, I found the kids, I did all the programming, I used my own money for supplies) only to find out they had already lined up their choice for my replacement before my year was even up (their replacement is great though), got a new external work space I never even entered in order to cut down on the amount of particles flying about (and also because my job didn’t give me a computer that functioned in a timely fashion (I once timed it taking five minutes to open a PDF), so I just worked from home since I did have my computer room back), tried to follow best pedagogy for online courses (turns out best pedagogy for online courses directly conflicts with what online course-takers want: no assessments and automatic A’s), got food poisoning (which I tested every day for COVID because what if I had some sort of weird food-poisoning-atypical-COVID variant?), tried (not always successfully I will admit) to be supportive of a family member’s chronic pain condition with the extra work involved (more driving, more chores, etc.), and now we’re here, over two years later and I’m earning less than I did before for more work, have no volunteer presence in the community, have a short story collection that publishers keep telling me is great but won’t sell because short stories by unfamous people don’t sell, a filthy house, a broken dishwasher, and just panic, rising panic, all the time.

Is this burnout? An anxiety disorder?

Fingers crossed dishwasher repair person shows up today and at least fixes that one problem. Then I only have the other infinity problems to start solving.

I make a post about being more positive yesterday and you’ll never believe what happened next!

  • my dishwasher broke and I had to spend an hour calling repair places until I found one that would come out and look at it;
  • at my day job, there was some nastiness with software not working for end users that I had to deal with;
  • I got a migraine;
  • luggage still missing.

So, well, yup. Is the result here that I should not be attempting positivity?

kind words

Someone sent me a bevy of kind words about Enid on the weekend, and so I said to myself Meghan, says I, You should use your blog for more than complaining about how no one will publish you because that is depressing. Also, maybe you should fix up your blog a bit because you put a filler template on a few months ago and then wandered off to play video games and do your paid job for a bit.

Well, my paid work is coming to an end and maybe I should do some more stuff here. Like most people, COVID burned through me quickly, then some illness issues (non-COVID) with family, then paid employment (non-writing) took up the rest of my time. My brain isn’t even mush. It’s whatever is after mush, which I guess is fungus? Mold? Dust? Maybe just a rattling sound?

I did start a screed a month-or-so ago. Basically I started writing down everything that I hate in this dimension, and what I might possibly hate in other dimensions. The screed is quite sour and made-up, but no one will believe it is made-up and I’ll get those comments again (such as with Enid, when a famous Canadian writer/radio-personality asked me “Where did you do your research?” so I told her it is a book about faeries; I made that shit up. Then there was a long pause and I couldn’t tell which one of us was less attached to reality) about how I make people I know feel bad because everyone assumes everything I write is about them.

When I get to one hundred and sixty pages in my screed, I am going to wrap it up, call it a novella, and move on. But move on to what?

  • Enid 2? I mean, Amber is still stuck in faerie land and there are lots of loose ends. I do have an Enid 2 kicking about, unfinished, but it was weird, even for me.
  • Dutch WWII story? Except I’m still not good enough to write a story about a massive traumatic event without exploiting the event for cheap emotion.
  • New blog layout? I used to spend hours trying to perfect the best blog layout. Now, I click the default WordPress theme and leave it for three or four years.

Ten years ago, I was going to be a writer. Today, I am pleased with myself for remembering to eat. I went through at least one depressive episode (surprisingly before COVID) and have been just dealing with COVID-stay-afloating for the past two plus years. Another author I know talks a lot about how art is necessary for making sense of overwhelming events, but I’m not sure what I create is meant for that. Also, I’m not creating.

Blog layout may change over the next few days as I try to get back on the creating track. Or I might just go by some TSP degreaser and pretend that if I’m cleaning at least I’m not as useless as I likely actually am.

I just can’t

Look, I just can’t submit to any more journals that need me to pay some fee to do so. Or contests with $25 fees. I made $25 last year from writing, and the suggestion, with this $25 I earned, was that maybe I would like to donate it back to the magazine in question.

I am trying to write again. And today, I’m going through and submitting everything that hasn’t been submitted in a while. But, refusing to pay $3 here or $4 there or $25/$35/$50 contest submission fees really shrinks the possibilities. Plus the paper-only ones, like I want to buy an envelope, pay for postage, pay for return envelope stamp, only to have them email me their rejection because while I am forced to go old school, they are allowed not to?

I am sad and I am angry and I am not making a sustainable wage, so sorry all you journals/websites/etc., I can’t subsidize you any more.


I am fairly certain I have become a secondary character in my own life, in part, because I am also fairly certain that this isn’t even my own, original thought, but one I read somewhere else, forgot about, and my brain repackaged and presented as a Certified New and Original Meghan Thoughtâ„¢.

I also realized I’m just the witch or the troll at the beginning of a fairy tale for my students. It’s at the beginning, not worth their time, and by the end of their story, I’ve been forgotten. Likely this is also a false Certified New and Original Meghan Thoughtâ„¢.

No. And no. And also no again.

I keep getting rejected by the same publisher for the same work.

To be clear, I only submitted this work to this publisher once. But, seemingly, after the work gets rejected, it doesn’t get shredded or thrown out, but put back in the their slush pile, and then later, read again, to be rejected again. I was rejected for the third time today.

Yesterday I finished a book, published by this publisher, and I was like “My work is better than that.”

All of this makes me grumpy.