So this is the year when I
- went off books,
- went off reading,
- went off writing.
In the late summer, I taught myself how to crochet. My current goals seem to be
- crochet all the things while
- watching all the Netflix.
Neither is conducive to books. Evenings spent favouriting Etsy items and expanding my pinterest boards leave no time for much else.
Voice in my head: You did read 131 books this year, plus half of a long Russian one that you might finish sometime in January.
Me: Still.
When I started high school, I stopped reading books (other than assigned ones) for a year. Maybe I’ll stop again this year. Who knows.
Here are some stats, and a map.
Best of 2017 (4.5 stars and above!)
Data: (I read 131 books total, which maybe makes some of this data more meaningful.) Be amazed at my ability to add stock photos to canva graphs!
(Obviously, some books can be in more than one category up there, less so in the graphs below.)
A passport to: (with a representative selection of a book partly or fully set in that locale)
So bye 2017.