Last week I helped someone with their pre-calc homework. Just parabola problems, little tricks, but kind of fun, reminding me why I used to like math way back in high school. I’d like to think I explained things well enough — it being over facebook rather than in person. Maybe that’s telling me something.
So I thought a bit about mathematics this week. It seems strange that, at twenty-four through to thirty-two, I was at the edge of knowledge. I published papers and did stuff. Now, I meander about helping out high school math now and then and pretending things. I pretend things all the time. Remembering my dull dreams (actual zzzz sleep dreams not goals and wishes), expanding them, or just making shit up. I make a lot of shit up. I tell myself stories to go to sleep at night. Maybe that’s why my dreams are so dull, because my imagination is already overactive.
But I used to be at the edge of knowledge before I decided to just play around in pretend-land. For some reason, this past week, reconciling the two has been more difficult than I anticipated.