July 2013

I read the following books:

Best book: Sorry Please Thank You. If I could write sci-fi that was better than sci-fi like Charles Yu does, I would. I am jealous, which was my overwhelming feeling for most of the month anyway.

I watched:

  • Mad Men: but then I stopped somewhere in Season 4 during the first week of July and haven’t gone back.
  • My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: with Tesfa
  • Orange is the New Black: One of the few times when the adaptation is better than the book. I started watching the show, then I read the book, and the show is so much more nuanced and funny, neither of which was the goal of the book, so I suppose this is like comparing apples to screwdrivers.
  • The Secret of Nimh: Almost the exact opposite of Orange is the New Black, an adaptation so poorly done that the entire experience is cringing while remembering how much better (and with no bizarre paranormal stone-of-levitation) the book was. At least having watched the film, Tesfa is now sitting down with me while we read the book together.
  • Sandbaggers
  • How I Met Your Mother: On in the background while I replaced all the brass-with-big-white-bulb-in-the-center kitchen cabinets with basic, skinny, black ones.

I wrote: Worked on faerie story. Wow. That is all I did this month.

And I joined an online writing group too, which should help keep me more on track.

July’s are hard months for me. Generally, I bottom out twice a year – February and July. But today is August and sunny and the turkeys no longer seem to be standing in the middle of the road causing traffic worries, so everything should be great from now on (until February).